Notes: Terrazure next steps
A local value assigns a name to an expression, so you can use it multiple times within a module without repeating it. Local values are like a function's temporary local variables.
Unlike input variables, locals are not set directly by users of your configuration.
A good example is if you have to define required tags for resources such as environment and data classification. define them once in locals and they can't be overwritten by users (unlike variables) they can be specified in the module, or manipulating resource attributes eg. key_vault_name = split("/",[8]
Use tags to define security & compliance requirements e.g. data classification and Governance and regulatory compliance.
default_vm_tags = {
os_family = "windows"
os_distribution = lookup(var.vm_image, "offer", "undefined")
os_version = lookup(var.vm_image, "sku", "undefined")
Simplify Terraform Configuration with Locals
Techniques: You can add locals { name = repeating.variable } to the start of the
You can add multiple locals blocks
Combine locals with variables
start by defining your locals
add them to the variables
Use locals with values that you need control over
Use to simplify repetitive code
You can use it as part of name = "vpc-${local.name_suffix}"
What about DATA
Data sources allow data to be fetched or computed for use elsewhere in Terraform configuration. Use of data sources allows a Terraform configuration to make use of information defined outside of Terraform, or defined by another separate Terraform configuration.
Good example with the public IP -
What happens to the keyvault itself? (recreated each time / unique name ) - `
Comment out any unknown code # or /* and */
Delete unused code/files
Tableau Script
Test out deploying again Modules
How to turn into tfvars variable? Modules
Should I rewrite to add those?
What about modules from the register?
Last updated